Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Martin turns 3!!

I can't believe my first born is 3! Probably doesn't seem like such a milestone for some but time is just flying by! We had a lovely long weekend with Eric's parents. They arrives Thurs am and had a great time with the kids. Eric's sister joined us from Michigan as well on Saturday, which was a really special treat as we don't see her that often. My parents were able to come by as well on Sunday to enjoy some cake and presents.

I loves seeing him get excited about the presents!! He kept saying OOO and AWW when he would open something. He also knew just what to do for the cake and blew each candle out quickly before asking for a piece.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Snow and other Reesman family fun...

Martin and Grace played in the snow that we had Friday night--a total of about 3 inches accumulated!! It melted Saturday but we had a great hour to play Friday night!!

I had a lovely weekend 2 weekends ago with Beth and Heath. I visited with kids to see the girls in their dance recital. They did wonderful!! My kids had so much fun hanging out with their cousins!!

Brianna is the furthest on the left standing.

Kate the second from the left.