Saturday, November 29, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!!

We had a wonderful holiday with my sister and her family and my parents at Lake Hartwell. We enjoyed a marshmallow roast and s'more making Wed night followed by beautiful weather and a fun day outdoors on Thursday. My mom, with the help of my niece, Brianna, made a wonderful meal with some "delicious apple pie" (to quote Brianna). We are truly blessed and have so much to be thankful for--2 beautiful healthy children, 2 jobs, a house, families that love and support us....the list goes on and on!! Thanksgiving is truly a time to thank God for his many blessings!

Monday, November 24, 2008

Dad had retired!

We celebrated my dad's retirement this weekend with a party at Maggiano's. It was so special to have all 5 of the kids there to celebrate with mom and dad. Dad was very surprised, which was so deserving after all those years at GM. Grace slept though most of the party, but did wake up long enough to see everyone.

It never stops amazing me how quickly children grow. Martin is getting so big with such a strong personality!! Grace continues to grow and is holding her head up well. I am still trying to catch a smile on camera!

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Well, being back to work has been hard. I love my job, but leaving my children for the day is tough. Grace continues to grow rapidly!! She is smiling (I can't catch it on camera yet though), cooing, and wiggling all over. Her hair is still as wild as ever, but getting lighter!